pancreatic vein

英 [ˌpæŋkriˈætɪk veɪn] 美 [ˌpæŋkriˈætɪk veɪn]

网络  胰静脉



  1. Indomethacin could increase the regional pancreatic blood flow, as well as the blood flow of the portal vein, spleen artery and superior mesenteric artery ( vs SAP group, P < 0.01).
  2. Methods We did a retrospective study on the management of 7 cases of pancreatic cancer using regional pancreatectomy ( RP) and pancreaticoduodenectomy combined resection of superior mesenteric-portal vein ( SMPV) in recent years.
  3. The polypeptide insulin or secretory granule released into pancreatic tissue fluid be rather easy entering into lymphatic duct of pancreas than into blood of hepatic portal vein.
  4. Sometimes there is a cervical pancreatic vein in the cervical part of the pancreas ( < 8%).
  5. The tail and body of the pancreas were drained into inferior pancreatic vein, the branches of pancreatic vein ( including great pancreatic vein) and the caudal pancreatic vein.
  6. The are 2-10 branches of the pancreatic veins, which the greatest is named the great pancreatic vein by author. It has a 60% occurrence in present study and drains the blood of a part of the tail of the pancreas and empties into the splenic vein.
  7. Surgical treatment for carcinoma of pancreatic head with superior mesenteric vein involvement
  8. Objective To discuss the resection technique for pancreatic carcinoma in patients with tumour ( invasion) to the portal and/ or superior mesentery vein, and the clinical significance of palliative resection of pancreatic carcinoma.
  9. Those organs, such as pancreas, tumor, liver, extrahepatic bile ducts, expansion of pancreatic duct, gall bladder, spleen, kidney and portal vein, have shown good.



  1. veins draining the pancreas and emptying into the superior mesenteric and splenic veins

      Synonym:    venae pancreatica