Indomethacin could increase the regional pancreatic blood flow, as well as the blood flow of the portal vein, spleen artery and superior mesenteric artery ( vs SAP group, P < 0.01). 应用吲哚美辛能改善胰腺、门静脉、脾动脉及肠系膜上动脉的血流量(与SAP组比较,P<0.01)。
Methods We did a retrospective study on the management of 7 cases of pancreatic cancer using regional pancreatectomy ( RP) and pancreaticoduodenectomy combined resection of superior mesenteric-portal vein ( SMPV) in recent years. 方法对近年来所施行的区域性胰腺切除术、标准胰十二指肠切除术联合肠系膜上静脉切除治疗的7例胰腺癌作一回顾性分析。
The polypeptide insulin or secretory granule released into pancreatic tissue fluid be rather easy entering into lymphatic duct of pancreas than into blood of hepatic portal vein. 注射或释放入胰腺组织液中的胰岛素等多肽激素或分泌颗粒,正常转运途径或规律,可能是通过淋巴管道,而非通常认为的肝门静脉途径转运入血发挥作用。
Sometimes there is a cervical pancreatic vein in the cervical part of the pancreas ( < 8%). 有时在胰颈部尚存在一条胰颈静脉,但出现率较低,不到8%。
The tail and body of the pancreas were drained into inferior pancreatic vein, the branches of pancreatic vein ( including great pancreatic vein) and the caudal pancreatic vein. 胰体尾部由胰下静脉、胰静脉支(包括胰大静脉)胰尾静脉回流。
The are 2-10 branches of the pancreatic veins, which the greatest is named the great pancreatic vein by author. It has a 60% occurrence in present study and drains the blood of a part of the tail of the pancreas and empties into the splenic vein. 胰静脉支2&10条,我们把其中最粗的一条称为胰大静脉,出现率为60%,收集胰体尾部的部分血液后注入脾静脉。
Surgical treatment for carcinoma of pancreatic head with superior mesenteric vein involvement 胰头癌累及肠系膜上静脉的处理对策
Objective To discuss the resection technique for pancreatic carcinoma in patients with tumour ( invasion) to the portal and/ or superior mesentery vein, and the clinical significance of palliative resection of pancreatic carcinoma. 目的探讨胰头癌侵犯肠膜上静脉及/或门静脉时手术切除的方法,以及胰头癌姑息性切除的临床意义。
Those organs, such as pancreas, tumor, liver, extrahepatic bile ducts, expansion of pancreatic duct, gall bladder, spleen, kidney and portal vein, have shown good. 胰腺、肿瘤、肝脏、胆囊、脾脏、肾脏、动脉、静脉、门静脉均显示良好。